Topical Earth Science

What: CLPL for secondary social studies and science teachers.

When: TBC

Where: TBC

Cost: Free – limited places available. Lunch provided.

Join GeoBus for an engaging day of CLPL for secondary social studies and science teachers.

Following the theme of Topical Earth Science, take part in three exciting, hands-on workshops: Impacts of Climate Change, Coring Through Time, and Your Rock-Powered Smart Phone. Each workshop provides practical ideas for you to use in your own classroom to engage students in these fascinating topics as well as highlighting current research and DYW links.

Participating teachers will be provided with copies of the resources used on the day, as well as basic equipment to help them to transfer these ideas to their own classroom. 

Curriculum Links addressed in this course:

The Impacts of Climate Change

  • I can investigate the relationship between climate and weather to be able to understand the causes of weather patterns within a selected climate zone. SOC 3-12a   
  • I can identify threats facing the main climate zones, including climate change, and analyse how these threats impact on the way of life. SOC 4-12a
  • I can carry out a geographical enquiry to assess the impact and possible outcomes of climate change on a selected region and can propose strategies to slow or reverse the impact. SOC 4-12b   
  • I can explain some of the processes which contribute to climate change and discuss the possible impact of atmospheric change on the survival of living things. SCN 3-05b

Coring Through Time

  • Having investigated processes which form and shape landscapes, I can explain their impact on selected landscapes in Scotland, Europe and beyond. SOC 3-07a
  • I can explain how the interaction of physical systems shaped and continue to shape the Earth’s surface by assessing their impact on contrasting landscape types. SOC 4-07a
  • Through evaluation of a range of data, I can describe the formation, characteristics and uses of soils, minerals and basic types of rocks. SCN 3-17a

Your Rock-Powered Smart Phone

  • I can discuss the sustainability of key natural resources and analyse the possible implications for human activity. SOC 4-08a
  • I can explain how the distribution and control of important natural resources affects the international power and influences of states. SOC 4-11b
  • I have developed my knowledge of the Periodic Table by considering the properties and uses of a variety of elements relative to their positions.  SCN 3-15a


Places on this fully funded course are limited.  For further information or to book a place, please e-mail [email protected] and include the name of the course you would like to book.

Interested in finding out more about our CLPL courses for teachers? Check out the range of courses we are now offering on our CLPL Home Page.