All of the videos in our Geology In A Minute series are available through our YouTube channel, or you can select individual videos by topic below. Please get in touch if you have any comments or if there is anything you would like to see us cover.
This series of videos introduces some key fieldwork skills – including how to set out a field notebook, describing rocks in the field, drawing field sketches and taking structural measurements.
Climate Change
This series of videos introduces the topic of climate change, discussing feedbacks and impacts, and illustrating why the current climate change trend is different from those seen in records of the past.
This series introduces the theory of Plate Tectonics, including the evidence for plate movement, the different types of plate boundary, and how tectonic forces shape the surface of the Earth.
The Power of Ice
This series of videos introduces glaciers and how they erode to create stunning landscapes, then investigates the impact global changes in climate are having on glaciers and ice-sheets across the globe.